So, there you have it, folks. Another block of Victor's tattoos! I can't wait to run into him again to see what's new!
The Divine Tattoo [just above his left wrist] was done by my cousin Ed Bonacore in the poconos. He is the only tattoo artist I really go to know. I trust him, he does good work. He works at this amazing shop in the Poconos called FUNHOUSE TATTOOING. The vibe there is cool from the colorful horror movie atmosphere, to all the artists and the friendly shop girl.
Anyway, I got the JOHN WATERS signature tattooed on [on my outer left forearm] last summer the day after I had met him with my best friend RUBY LAROCCA.
She got the same thing. She got him to sign his name to her arm as well! We make films and John Waters is one of our biggest influences so to have his mark on us for life is a reminder to keep making dangerous art.
I got the John Waters done at RED ROCKET TATTOO in NYC, I had to get it quick and fast so the autograph didn't fade. The artist's name slips my mind, but he was making a guest spot at that shop and he was originally from Texas. Red Rocket is one of the best shops in Manhattan.
So anyway, I got the autograph super big on my forearm, because in his movie Cecil B. Demented, all the characters get the favorite director tattooed on their arm. I though it would be pretty cool, to do that in real life, from the director that created that idea.
Back to Divine. Then I got the Divine tattoo because, how can't you love Divine. One of the greatest actors ever. I saw Pink Flamingos as a youngster, and I remember my parents talking about how this tranny was eating poop at the end of the film, and how they were all gagging watching the film! That got me really interested to say the least. And after Female Trouble, I know I would love anything these people collaborated on. I unfortunately cannot dig up Divine and get him to sign my arm, so [I] did a little portrait of him. He was a true artist, actor, performer, comedian, and I respect that.
Mink Stole, is also from the original DreamLand gang, and is in almost every John Waters film. She is amazing in Desperate Living, and when I met her, she was so sweet, so I figured with John Waters already inked into my arm, I would start the John Waters tribute arm. I met her at a horror convention in Baltimore, and one of the vendors was a tattoo artist, so I got the autograph, then got it tattooed and was able to show Mink by the next day. She was in shock.
The Taxi Driver tattoo [on my inner left wrist] was again done by my cousin Ed Bonacore...I have loved that movie forever, and think Travis Bickle [Robert De Niro's character] is the ultimate Anti-Hero. Its like an oil painting version of the shot at the end after he has killed all the pimps and scumbags in the brothel.
The quote on [the left side of] my ribs was also done by my cousin Eddie, but this is before he was in a shop.
It was done at this house after I had smoked a fat blunt and [was] high as a kite. It hurt a lot, my most painful tattoo. The side of the ribs hurts a lot because there no skin there, and every time the needle hits your skin, your ribs vibrate. It took 3 different sessions to do that tattoo. The quote is from a band called HUNCHBACK, that just split up. And it's from a song called "RED IS THE COLOR OF MY TRUE LOVES HAIR." When I saw the song live for the first time, I was convinced this would be my new favorite band. And I can honestly say, this is the best song ever performed live. It blew me away. And the lettering that was used is the font from THE WARRIORS. Another one of my favorite films!
" [The b+], though it is very small (1/2") represents many important parts of my life: past, present and future. When my college friend, Erica died in December from Leukemia, I was devastated. Throughout her illness, she managed to have good spirits and enjoy time with her friends and family. Her battle against cancer put life in perspective for me. I have struggled with depression most of my adult life, and when she died, I made the conscious decision to turn my life around, completely. The morning after her death, my father was diagnosed with Glioblastoma, an aggressive brain cancer. Double whammy. My sister and I had both been contemplating a tattoo for several years, but Jewish guilt always managed to turn me away. After several hours in the ER with our father, we ventured down to Kingdom [Tattoos] and got our matching b+ tattoos. It's incredible how much strength I find from this little symbol on my wrist.
"And the B in the b+ tattoo is a flat. in music. since I'm a musician. I can't believe I forgot that part! flats are most commonly associated with minor, "sad" keys. so, there is a bit of sadness in the tattoo. too."
Olá amantes da arte.
Qual tatuador nunca sonhou com o sucesso com um studio totalmente impecável e sempre cheio de clientes? Qual profissional nunca sonhou com o reconhecimento dos seus trabalhos em escala nacional e quiçá internacional? Pois bem pessoal esse sonho persegue a maioria de nós tatuadores. O sonho do reconhecimento perante o seu grande publico.
Mas a grande pergunta é: O que você faz pra isso acontecer? E tem mais: Será que você está efetivamente preparado para o sucesso? Muitas são as formas e caminhos para alcançarmos a excelência. O primeiro passo é simplesmente trabalhar. Mas trabalhar muito mesmo. Penso que com muito trabalho e dedicação podemos começar a conseguir alguma coisa. Por conseguinte, podemos concentrar nossas forças em atender bem os nossos clientes. O tratamento com seriedade e respeito é tão importante, que desconhecemos a força e o efeito positivo que isso nos traz. Trate bem seu cliente, você só tem a ganhar. Estudos comprovam que um cliente satisfeito torna-se fiel eternamente. Um cliente muito satisfeito indica o seu trabalho para outros clientes, criando uma cadeia de valor para o seu negócio. Mas um cliente insatisfeito consegue contaminar duas vezes mais clientes de forma negativa. Então, pensem nisso!!!
Um studio de referência no mercado e um reconhecimento global depende plenamente do profissional. Depende de quanto ele está disposto a se expor e da consciência empreendedora do seu negócio. Existem tatuadores que são simplesmente tatuadores. Atuam no mercado sem a pretensão de um dia possuírem um studio com seu nome. Ao passo que existem profissionais que são verdadeiros empreendedores, que analisam de forma profissional o mercado, estudando seus aspectos minuciosamente para acertar em cheio no sucesso.
Ser tatuador empreendedor está ao alcance de todos nós!
Mas bem, já ia esquecendo... Com o reconhecimento vem a fama! Com a fama vem a vaidade. “Esse é o pecado capital que o diabo mais gosta”. O ser humano na sua essência tende a ser vaidoso e isso atrapalha um bocado. Poucos são os merecedores e visionários do sucesso. Sabem por quê? É fácil. Por que poucos o entendem e quase ninguém reconhece o verdadeiro valor que ele tem. O sucesso e o reconhecimento afloram a vaidade. Esse sentimento atrapalha e nos torna cegos. Até mesmo muitas vezes nos faz esquecer quem verdadeiramente somos!!!
Sendo assim caros amigos, essa é minha receita para vocês se tornarem profissionais de sucesso e tatuadores completos de A a Z.
Aos vaidosos e as “estrelinhas” de plantão um sincero tapinha nas costas... Aos profissionais que sabem respeitar até o valor das suas agulhas, um forte abraço e minhas saudações.
Que a força esteja com vocês sempre...
Rodrigo Carvalho - Salvador